North Starre Holistic Counseling

Your guide through life's passages

Dianna North MA, CRS

75 Manhattan Dr. #206
Boulder, CO 80303
Phone: 303-499-2567

Professional Experience

Over Forty years in professional life as: an educator, counselor, group facilitator, trainer, workshop facilitator, curriculum developer, health coach, mentor, and clinical supervisor.

Working in: school systems, agencies, clinics, and private practice with children, adolescents, women and men.

Training includes: a Masters degree in Holistic Counseling, certification as a Rubenfeld Synergist, certification as a crisis counselor, certification in Energy Field Therapy, a Bachelors degree in Education, studies in the Enneagram and related psycho-spiritual tools.

Theoretical orientation is a Holistic, Transpersonal, Body-Mind approach.

Life Experience

A lifetime of learning and growing through the experiences of: marriage, raising children, divorce, volunteering, death of loved ones, physical and emotional healing.

Expanded horizons through: nature, music, travel, photography, spiritual practice, study, and self-discovery.