North Starre Holistic Counseling

Your guide through life's passages

Dianna North MA, CRS

75 Manhattan Dr. #206
Boulder, CO 80303
Phone: 303-499-2567


“I worked with Dianna for the last 4 years and feel so fortunate to have her in my life. When I retained her services, I was in a difficult place, questioning myself, low self-esteem and lacking the tools to discern what was my personal work versus others in my life. She gave me those tools and ultimately I have carved a happier, more productive path for myself. Her ability for be both empathetic and direct is a great combination from a therapist. I highly recommend her!”
- Artist

“After working with Dianna for a year or so and addressing my immediate concerns, I chose to continue our visits, and for the first time in my life, probed far beyond into spiritual realms I never examined. I am deeply grateful for the kindness, enthusiasm, humor, and for the keen intellect and expertise she brings to our sessions. Best of all, I found the courage and self-knowledge I needed to make permanent change in my life. Though my sessions are now infrequent, even the occasional visit feels fresh. With her guidance, even these “tune-ups” bring new and deeper insights.”
- Musician

"Dianna, your work is transformative. Through your insightful questions, caring and respectful guidance, and deep meditation practices I have more confidence and explicit strategies to make healthy changes in my life. These changes have empowered me to love more, react less, and live life more fully in the moment. What a gift! Thank you, Dianna. I treasure our times together."
- Teacher

“Dianna has helped me unravel mysteries held in my past and present dreams with amazing clarity and insight. As a result, I feel seen by her in a way I've never felt before, and that is helping me find and be fully myself.”
- Artist/Sculpter

“Dianna North is an exceptionally creative and effective therapist. I was experiencing intense and prolonged grief when I first met her. She only needed a few sessions before formulating a course of treatment. Other therapists had encouraged me to simply talk about the grief. This had not helped me. Dianna, instead, introduced me to daily imaging exercises that allowed the grief to subside and my energies for life to open up. In a time of crisis, she was a gifted guide.”
- Entrepreneur

“I wanted to express to you my ever-deepening appreciation for your thoughtful structuring of our Sunday evening meetings. Over the months, our time together as a group has taken on the wonderful textures and flavors of a superb on-going meal: sweet, salty, sour, savory, crunchy, chewy, smooth, hot, cool...all in balance. We have laughed, cried, played, prayed, thought, danced, sung, walked, and entered into utter stillness and silence - all in balance.”
- Group Member

“I wanted to thank you for your supervision and wisdom. You have been an incredible teacher for me in the practical world and more importantly in the spiritual realm. I feel very blessed to have you as my supervisor.”
- Supervisee

“Many thanks for a penetrating session. Like the reverberations of the Big Bell, your well-placed "Let's talk about this for a minute..." punctuations continue to sensitize my Inner Ear to the songs of ego. Many thanks for your skillful listening, astute questions, and unfailing compassion and kindness.”
- Teacher

“I found a safe, secure, caring environment in which I could grow into the person I was meant to be. I came away stronger, and with the skills to handle my daily life.”
- Graduate Student

“Thank you for giving me back my pride, for nurturing my strengths and for helping me to have the courage to stand up for myself and others.”
- Artist

“I am learning to clearly verbalize my needs and issues, and I now have the skills to cope.”
- Student

“I couldn’t be more satisfied. When I first started, I didn’t feel important. Now I know that I am. I have a voice, and good things actually happen when I use it.“
- Homemaker

“Dianna was professional, empathic, caring and very supportive. I was able to trust and feel safe early in the process. She was wonderful.”
- Human Resource Director

“My life has changed from “quiet desperation”, to hope and a desire to live each day to its fullest.”
- Half-way House Director